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Organics Unlimited (MEX)
More unripe bananas have a bland flavor with notes of grassiness and their high levels starch become palatable. Riper bananas develop flavors of melon, pineapple, candy
Option 1: Wrap the stems with plastic wrap or foil. This can be hit or miss, but separately wrapping each stem with plastic can improve effictivenes. The stems release ethelyne and ripe the remainder of the fruit.
Option 2: Placing bananas in the fridge when underripe slows down the enzymes that lead to ripening. Sometimes the enzymes don't become active again when you remove them from the fridge so the bananas don't ripen. The best is to let ripe on counter until each one reaches the desired ripeness and then place in fridge (in container so banana smell doesn't seep into other foods).
Eat fresh, dice into cereal (cold or hot!), or smash into banana bread
Prior to the 1960s, people at the Gros Michel, a sweeter, but more artificial-tasting banana--kind of like banana candy. But an outbreak of the fungus Panama Disease, producers were forced to switch to the disease-resistant Cavendish. The Cavendish has no seeds (the black spots are where seeds used to be) and are grown by essentially sticking part of a banana trunk in the ground. So all the trees are genetically identical.
According to the Market and Policy Analyses of Raw Materials, Horticulture and Tropical (RAMHOT) Products Team the per capita banana consumption in the U.S for 2012 was just over 30 lbs!