Steel Wheel Farm (WA)

SWF is a certified organic farm who's goal is to improve how produce is grown, harvested and distributed. Ryan rides and plays with Tractors and Kim takes care of the online and admin dirty work. As a seasonal team of 7, they're finding efficiencies and encouraged by your investment in their farm!

About Ryan: A young, passionate farmer, Ryan Lichttenegger was born to play in the dirt and proficiently use (read: ride and play with) tractors. Raised in rural Minnesota next to a seasoned, well-educated dairy farmer, he brings his midwestern roots and passion for the land here to the Northwest. A creative thinker, Ryan received his degree in digital animation before returning to the land.

About Kim: The communications sidekick to this farm operation, Kim Lichttenegger takes care of all a much of the in-office and online dirty work for the farm. Kim has loved cooking ever since subscribing to her first Sunset magazine, and as a result, has an enduring passion for good food. A photographer and graphic designer by trade, Kim loves to capture and share the beauty of the farm in any way she can.

One of the toughest parts of farming so close to the city is the cost of land. There's not a lot of farmland in King County and it's all very expensive. Ryan leases his land, and has done so for the past 7 years. But it's a risk. All the investment he's put into improving the soil could be taken away if his landlord decides to sell the land or simply not lease it anymore.


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