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Pear, Ichiban



Busy Bee Orchards (WA)

Asian pears range in size from small to medium and vary in shape from round, globular, and squat to oval with a bulbous base that tapers into a rounded top. The firm skin can be golden yellow, green, or bronze and may be smooth, have some russeting, or covered in visible lenticels or pores. The flesh is ivory to white and is crunchy, juicy, and creamy with a central fibrous core encasing several small, brown-black seeds. When ripe, Asian pears are crisp with a sweet, floral flavor, low acidity, and a fragrant aroma. 

Asian pears are ripe when harvested and are best eaten firm. As they ripen they get juicier but then start to dry out and become mealy. They can last up to a couple weeks (depending on ripeness). Keep away from leafy greens and other fruit you don't want to ripen as they produce ethelyne.

Pears are highest in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and antioxidants. If you want to get the most out of your pear, enjoy it skin and all; pear skin provides nutrients and dietary fiber. Pears contain both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Both types are important for promoting digestive health and reducing cholesterol and blood pressure.

Though most often enjoyed fresh, Asian pears are also used as a common ingredient in Korean barbecue marinades. This is not only for their flavor and sweetness, but they also contain an enzyme called ‘calpain’ that tenderizes meat. Pear is a favorite to use in marinades because it is less likely to over-tenderize, turning your cut of meat to mush. This can happen when meat is marinaded for too long using more potentent tenderizers.

Of the more than 3,000 varieties of pears around the world, Asian pears are distinct by their floral flavor and crunchy, apple-like texture. They are ripe when picked, so no need to wait to enjoy!

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