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Coffee, Illimani Lot #6 (Medium/Light)


12 oz

Stamp Act Coffee

Illimani is a community of approximately 65 families in the province of Caranavi, the largest coffee producing region in Bolivia.

Farm sizes vary, but on average producers have 2 - 3 hectares. For some producers, coffee is their primary source of income, but most have a little bit of everything, including fruit and coca. Coca is the most profitable crop, but, due to government regulations, farmers are limited to a quarter hectare (known as a “cato”), per lot.

Much of the coffee is shade grown, though in recent years trainings through the municipality have promoted agricultural practices focused on increasing productivity, often-times promoting a reduction in shade trees. Producers are well-versed in traditional coffee farming practices, and everyone knows how to produce a good washed coffee.

This coffee has been imported by the team at Red Fox Coffee Merchants.

Tasting Notes: Peach tea, Maraschino Cherry, Golden Raisin, toasted pecan

Origin: Caranavi, Bolivia

Producer: Illimani Community

Farm: 65 community members from Illimani

Altitude: 1350 - 1740 masl

Cultivar: Catuai & Typica

Process: Fully washed & dried 15 - 20 days on raised beds

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